China UnionPay HQ

China UnionPay Headquarter

China UnionPay (中国银联), headquartered in Shanghai, China, serves as a bank card cooperative organization under the People's Bank of China. It plays a central and pivotal role in the Chinese bank card industry. The design of its operational office building not only needs to reflect the gravitas and seriousness befitting its financial management position but also requires security and durability assurances. Therefore, the project's architectural design has paid significant attention to service life and fire safety facilities.

The exceptional performance of the Kinoge Steel Curtain Wall and Door Window System precisely met these stringent requirements, making it stand out among many brands and being chosen by China UnionPay.

Our M65 steel curtain wall and K65 steel door systems are designed to meet stringent requirements, offering fire resistance, durability, aesthetics, and additional benefits like strength, slim profiles, airtightness, and watertightness.

Their high strength ensures long-term stability in use, while their slim appearance adds a sense of spaciousness, making the interior of the building brighter and more open. High airtightness and watertightness effectively shield the interior from external environmental influences, ensuring indoor comfort.

Within the building's atrium, these systems are used as fire-resistant curtain walls and doors, integrating seamlessly with interior décor while providing robust fire safety.

Kinoge's products stand out due to their strength, appearance, airtightness, watertightness, and fire safety. They offer customers a high-quality choice and will continue to lead the market, adapting to evolving needs.

China UnionPay HQ_Fire-resistant curtain wall and door
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